The following requirements apply based on the Purchase Order received from CMJ Manufacturing (CMJ)
PERSONNEL. Personnel performing special processes must be qualified and/or certified per applicable specifications.
SHIPMENT/DELIVERY. Shipments or deliveries, as specified in a CMJ Purchase Order, shall be in accordance with quantities and schedules. It is recommended that the Supplier notify CMJ of any anticipated delay and make other arrangements. Supplier shall prepare and package product for CMJ to prevent damage and deterioration during shipping.
MATERIALS FURNISHED BY CMJ MANUFACTURING. All materials furnished by CMJ, including prints, tooling, etc. are to be returned with the product upon completion of the order. Other arrangements may be made. Supplier must notify CMJ for disposition of nonconforming product.
SUBCONTRACTING/APPROVED SUPPLIERS. Suppliers are requested to be in conformance with AS9100 or equivalent. Supplier must notify CMJ of any changes to facility location and management. Prior to subcontracting or moving subcontracted orders, CMJ must be contacted for approval. Suppliers may only use CMJ-approved, or their CMJ customer-approved, suppliers. All applicable requirements in the CMJ Purchase Order must be flowed down to the sub-tier suppliers including key characteristics where required. When subcontracting, CMJ must be provided with the same rights and protection as contained in this document.
SPECIAL PROCESSORS All Special Processors must adhere to a quality management system that is compliant to aerospace requirements (e.g., AS9100) or accredited to Nadcap as required by the end customer. If accreditation is revoked Processor must notify CMJ immediately. If processing is completed prior to notification or there is a failure to notify, the Processor could be liable for any and all costs associated with order including but not limited to labor and material cost incurred on the order and any costs and expedite fee associated with recovery of the order. (Note: all processing for Boeing end user must adhere to the requirements of Approved Process Sources D1-4426). For reference current Boeing Specifications and Revisions Index: BAC, BMS, BSS, Finished Documents.
RIGHT OF ACCESS. Supplier shall allow CMJ representatives, CMJ customers, and regulatory agencies right of entry into the entire supply chain’s facilities and to all records related to CMJ contracted orders.
QUALITY. Purchasing information to the supplier will include the applicable revision level of drawings and processing specifications. If not listed, the processing must be made to the latest revision of the processing specification or contact CMJ at the number listed below. Supplier shall maintain controls and perform all inspections and tests required to substantiate product conformance to requirements.
INSPECTION AND TEST EQUIPMENT. Supplier shall maintain inspection and test equipment to assure calibration traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or other known national or international standard. Calibration records must be maintained and accessible to CMJ.
FOREIGN OBJECT DAMAGE. Supplier shall have an AS9146 conforming procedure in place and must be made accessible to CMJ. Supplier shall control and prevent foreign object damage or contamination during manufacture, assembly, inspection and/or shipment.
RECORDS. The Supplier shall maintain records of work performed for CMJ. Records shall include the COC provided to CMJ as well as records that support the certificate. Records must be available to CMJ upon request. Records shall include the COC provided to CMJ as well as records that support the certificate. At any time during the retention period supplier will deliver said records or any part thereof to CMJ at no charge upon request. At the end of the retention period records may be destroyed.
CERTIFICATIONS.Supplier must provide certificate of conformance that ensures that all requirements of ordered material or a specification have been met. Certifications must reflect that all applicable material or manufacturing and process specifications called for on the engineering drawing have been met. The specifications must be listed on the certification.
INSPECTION. Inspection is to be performed and certified prior to release of product or service. New production runs on manufactured parts require a First Article Inspection report per AS9102 or similar format if required by CMJ on the Purchase Order. Any other format used must be compliant with AS9102 and approved by CMJ prior to use.
CALIBRATION SERVICES ONLY. Calibration of inspection equipment shall be performed traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Certificates of Calibration must be provided.
CHANGES. If supplier makes any changes to its processes that would affect product or service purchased by CMJ, CMJ must be notified prior to the change for approval.
COUNTERFEIT PARTS PROGRAM. Supplier shall have AS6174 conforming procedures in place to prevent use of counterfeit parts. Any knowing and willful act to falsify, conceal or alter a material fact, or any false, fraudulent or fictitious statement or representation in connection with the performance of work under this purchase order may be punishable in accordance with applicable legal statutes.
PERSONNEL COMMUNICATION. Supplier is required to communicate with their personnel regarding the following:
SUPPLIER EVALUATION. Suppliers are evaluated based on their performance to CMJ requirements including on-time delivery. The risk associated with using a supplier is assessed per the requirements of CMJ Manufacturing.
SPECIAL CLAUSES. The following special clauses are required when noted on the purchase order.
CONFLICT MINERALS SOURCING: Pursuant to The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Pub.L. 111–203, H.R. 4173; commonly referred to as Dodd–Frank) section 1502, CMJ expects its suppliers to maintain a policy to reasonably ensure that the tantalum, tin, tungsten, & gold (if present) contained within the product that they manufacture and supply to CMJ are “conflict free”. “Conflict free” means any “conflict minerals” (gold, columbite,-tantalite, also known as coltan, cassiterite, wolframite, or their derivatives: tin, tantalum or tungsten) necessary to the functionality or production of the supplied products, either do not originate from the “Conflict Region” situated in the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries or are from recycled or scrap sources. CMJ does not knowingly procure products containing any of the above-specified metals that originate from facilities in the “Congo Region” that are not certified as “Conflict Free”. Although CMJ is not regulated under the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) we understand that many of our customers are; which requires us to maintain the same requirements as theirs in addition to our commitment to our moral & ethical responsibilities. CMJ requires that suppliers of products that contain any one of the conflict minerals to declare that they are compliant to the conflict mineral program. Suppliers to CMJ must adopt a policy regarding conflict minerals that is consistent with our policy and require their management systems to support compliance with their policy while requiring their own suppliers to also take the same measures to ensure they too have a policy with the same results. CMJ expects suppliers to establish their own due diligence program to ensure that the specified metals are being sourced only from smelters outside of the “Conflict Region” or from smelters which have been certified by an independent third party as “Conflict Free” if sourced within the “Conflict Region”. Smelters are qualified as “Conflict Free” if validated as compliant to the EICC Conflict Free Smelter (CFS) protocol, using the CFS Compliant Smelter List. CMJ expects suppliers to maintain compliance systems and be able to demonstrate a satisfactory record of written evidence (if required) to support their due diligence programs. CMJ may in its sole discretion asses & monitor ongoing performance and compliance with its conflict minerals policy, including but not limited to a review of appropriate supplier documents and review of past practices of the supplier. If CMJ discovers the use of conflict minerals produced in facilities that are considered to be “Non-Conflict free” in any supplied products or being used at any point in the supply chain they will take appropriate action to transition the supply of these products to a “Conflict Free” source.
Questions should be directed to CMJ Manufacturing, (316) 777-9692.